Friday 22 April 2011

Some kind of ninja out of Box 7

Hi everyone!

It has been almost a week since I have purchased the Ninjago Dragon set. I knew it would be quite a challenge to build something else out of these bricks alone, but I honestly was not prepared for this! I had a very tough time creating something new, and I am still not entirely satisfied with the result...

Anyway, I have managed to build a kind of ninja-armour-transformer-robot with the ninja as a pilot. Whereas I am not that happy with the model, I am very fond of some of its features: I really like the serrated arms and the shoulders. Also, I have to thank my girlfriend, for she was the one who came up with the idea of the wings in the back... Enjoy the pictures!

Given the difficulty of building from such a small a specialized pool of bricks, I do not know if I will be able to make create something else from this box...
Stay tuned!

Monday 18 April 2011


Hi everyone!

I have recently been to Camden Town, and I found a guy selling a handful of classic Lego spacemen for a couple of pounds... How could I possibly resist?

Stay tuned!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Back with Box N°7!!!

Hi everyone!

I am sure you missed me a lot the last few weeks, but I have been kept away from my bricks by a series of unfortunate events at work and a holiday abroad. But I am back and feeling more creative than ever (although that's a really relative concept...).

Anyway, as I was inactive, my Piggy Bank was not, and I found myself with a huge amount of money to spend on Lego. As I was a little bit intimidated by a giant fat box for my return to the bricks, I instead opted for a smaller one. But this is not a way to avoid any challenge, as I chose to purchase the Ninjago Dragon.

I remember when I first saw the Ninjago sets, and I have to confess I was not that excited about them, for I am more of a castle/pirate guy... But I guess after all this time I could go on judging without trying it myself... So here you go! The Dragon is really fun to build, and I absolutely love the wings! On the downside, I sense it is going to be really chalenging to build something else out of this box... Here are a few pictures (on some of them I chose to remove the "ball-launcher", just for aesthetics reasons).

Stay tuned!
